Category QB Reflections

Building International Community Development Strategies as a Quarterback

As a summer 2013 Quarterback (part of Quarterback’s founding cohort), I helped a non-profit organization in sub-Saharan Africa (BLOOM Africa) develop their strategy and implementation structure for future international development work. It was an extremely rewarding experience for me both personally and professionally.

Building a Bridge from Uganda to Consulting

After spending three years as a marketing and business development specialist in the construction industry, I decided I was ready for a change.  Looking for a more impactful and results-oriented career, I began to apply to business school to make the transition into human capital consulting.

Crafting Impact and Technology Strategies as a Quarterback

Headed into my MBA experience, I knew that my professional journey would be challenging.  In early 2013, I made the decision to leave a great banking career in order to try something that was non-traditional, impactful, and inspiring.  My dream was to become a facilitator of accessibility for underrepresented minorities within technology, but I had […]

Driving Sustainability in the Developing World as a Quarterback

This summer I was a part of the founding cohort of Quarterbacks and served as Zambia Business Development Manager for Spark Ventures, a Chicago-based nonprofit with international partnerships that provide children in poverty with nutrition, education and healthcare.  I was specifically worked on identifying a new business that a Spark Ventures partner organization could begin […]

Impacting Global Mobile Health as a Quarterback

I was looking forwards to enjoying some additional weeks of vacation before starting my MBA. But when the opportunity to join the Quarterback program and help Medic Mobile appeared, I just felt I couldn’t miss it. And I was right!